Saturday, 30 October 2010

Vis Com

Oh my goodness- the rotations are over! Craziness. How time flies when you are having fun...
I remember thinking last year that 8 weeks was wwaaaayyy too short a time in which to decide what I want to pursue, and I still feel the same- I kindof wish that i could have bypassed 3D and Fashion altogether, and spent longer in Fine Art and Vis com, as i'm finding it difficult to decide between the two.
I should probably be saving this for my statement. 
Soooooo Vis Com. Love it. I think. My indecision will be my downfall. Its definitely the rotation I have felt most comfortable in, and have enjoyed the most. I really liked making the sequences in the Images, Images, Images project, despite the fact that mine wasn't strictly a sequence:

I really like that we have briefs for the projects, in comparison to in Fine Art, where I found that I didn't really respond well to being able to completely self-direct.
As it stands, I think viscom will be my choice.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Fine Art

Oh dear. At the beginning, I was thinking 'YAY, SOMETHING I CAN DO!'. By the end of the first week, 'Maybe not..'.
It was all going so well, drawing from set-ups around the studio- very much in my comfort zone (despite having to stand up, which is the excuse I am going to use to explain why my sketches aren't great!), but then when we allowed to do what we wanted, and I began to paint, the tutors came and told me that it was rubbish! They wanted me to paint more abstract- which is fine for other people, but REEAAALLLYY isn't something I enjoy. They also didn't care about the ideas behind my work- which is basically the way I like to do things (I prefer working on an idea than picking random images), AND they wanted me to paint structural images. Not my style at all. I was totally gobsmacked. This was not the Fine Art I am used to.
However, I did understand what they were saying about the work I had started, as I wasn't at all pleased with it myself, but I thought that this was supposed to be a chance to show them what we were about, rather than a chance for them to put us down and drastically change what we do. I know that I have to develop, and cant stay the same forever, but I like what I do, and I dont want to completely change my painting style- as that would be turning it into someone else's painting style. So I think that maybe Fine Art is not for me.
Despite the rant I have just gone on (sorry), I ironically, did enjoy Fine Art the most so far. I am just hoping that VisCom interests me!
Here are my final paintings, which I do quite like, but they are just not 'me' at all:

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Fashion and Textiles

I really enjoyed the beginning of this rotation, when we were doing the drawing exercises, because it reminded me of life drawing- which I really like. It was so different from the drawing I am used to, as they were all so quick and linear. It was also such a relief to get away from model making!

But on the third day, they wanted 3D an I drew a complete blank. I dont know what it is about it that scares me, but as soon as its mentioned I seem to hit a brick wall and all ideas just disappear out of my head! I got through it though and made some stuff that was halfway decent. Wahheeyy.

I also photocopied my work, and quite liked the outcomes:


I was ill for the final two days of this rotation, but I think that the days that I was present for gave me enough information about the pathway. I did enjoy it way more than 3D/Spatial, but there was nothing about it that really jumped out at me and made me think 'I want to do this'. So yeah. Bye bye Fashion and Textiles!